
The Signs of Bad Liposuction and its Treatment!

Have you heard about bad liposuction? Well, it refers to the development of fibrosis after liposuction. If you develop post-liposuction fibrosis occurs, it usually forms close to the incision sites. The good news is that effective liposuction fibrosis treatments are available, and hence this condition is treatable. If you are thinking about where to find the best liposuction lumpy and bumpy treatment, visit aspenaftersurgery.com and get on your journey to recovery! The best part is that you can get started with their free liposuction problem test!

What is bad liposuction- development of fibrosis?

The development of fibrosis post-liposuction involves the generation of extra fibrous tissue due to abnormal tissue formation during your healing process. It then causes the surrounding tissue to swell and hardening of that area. You can experience pain, and the condition looks lump, bumpy and wavy! That should not scare you; be aware that liposuction removes that unwanted fat because even if you develop the complication, you have the best liposuction fibrosis treatment available at aspenaftersurgery.com.

Signs of Bad liposuction

Sign 1: Uneven fat removal

When the unwanted fat is not removed evenly, it leads to bad liposuction. You will see that the area becomes bumpy and wavy. The liposuction lumpy and bumpy treatment at Aspen After Surgery Center is your way out!

Sign 2: Numbness

Experiencing numbness owing to the nerves being adversely affected under the skin indicates bad liposuction.

Sign 3: Accumulation of fluid

The formation of seromas- temporary pockets of fluid under the skin- is a sign of bad liposuction. They appear bumpy and need to be drained. The liposuction fibrosis treatment with aspenaftersurgery.com is the answer!

Some recommended Liposuction Fibrosis Treatment

1) Long-handled needle

The ultimate goal of the liposuction lumpy and bumpy treatment is to get rid of the lumps and bumps! The most straightforward way is using a thin, long-handled needle. The medical expert may decide upon a surgical operation if the edema is severe. However, a small needle can drain the oily substance from fat necrosis in small lumps.

2) Creams and Lotions

The use and application of topical creams or lotions to soothe the affected area after liposuction is also a part of Liposuction Fibrosis Treatment. Then a clean towel to massage the affected area is used. If the lumps and bumps continue, then lubrication is the next step as it will keep the fat from building up and help the skin's recovery.

3) Don't indulge in weight loss or increase

Do not indulge in heavy exercising to either reduce or put on weight. The reason is that the surgery-related edema might show up to six months before the full effects are visible. Hence keeping your weight stable is essential in the healing phase.

4) Massage

Massage also proves to be an effective liposuction lumpy and bumpy treatment that supports minimizing the look of lumpy skin after liposuction. Moreover, the lymphatic drainage massage by experts at aspenaftersurgery.com lowers the inflammation more quickly and ensures that the toxins are cleared. You will experience a flatter belly once the edema has subsided.

5) Diet

It's important to imbibe that your body requires protein after liposuction surgery. Hence, go for a low-fat, high-nutrient-dense diet. It would be best to consume proteins and eat fatty meals, and consuming too many calories will lead to its storage in the fat cells.

6) Stay active

One of the simplest liposuction lumpy and bumpy treatments for your bad liposuction is engaging in an activity like cycling, jogging, walking, dancing, and swimming, and so on to stay active and smoothen your bumps.

6)  Aspen Multi-Energy System and Aspen Therapy.

The Aspen After Surgery Center provides a safe, non-invasive, and painless treatment for bad liposuction. The Aspen Multi-Energy System and Aspen Therapy are highly effective Liposuction Fibrosis Treatment that you can undoubtedly depend upon. It's affordable and less time-consuming as compared to other procedures.

It is a non-invasive, pain-free, and safe treatment that reduces your swelling and fluid build-up. As a result, you get rid of your lip lumps and bumps! Here are some of its benefits that you should know:

  • Reduced chances of infection or other complications
  • Fine-tuning of results to improve the outcome
  • Experience feeling better with lesser time.
  • Improved patient satisfaction


Do not lose hope in case of bad liposuction. The liposuction fibrosis treatment at aspenaftersurgery.com provides the safest and most reliable treatment by medical experts. Book your appointment today!

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