
Why Other ERP Implementations Fail and SAP Succeed

If you are planning on ERP implementation in your organization, then you must be aware of the lurking risk of ERP implementation failure. But do you know what those risks are and how you can shield your company from them?

Read on to know…

Why do some ERP implementations fail?

ERP implementation failure is disastrous for any organization. They invest time, money, and other resources which go to waste. It can also cost them the loss of valuable data. Here are some common reasons for ERP implementation failure:


Falling for low prices:

Small organizations with stringent budgets often fall prey to the low-price gig. If an ERP vendor offers to-good-to-be-true prices for sophisticated ERP solutions such as SAP Business One, that can be a red flag. They only reveal the hidden charges after finalizing the deal. Moreover, you need to pay higher charges for a fully functioning ERP or settle for subpar features.


Ignoring technological complexities:

A vital parameter you need to remember during ERP implementation is that the technological complexity increases when moving from legacy systems to ERP software. The data formats also have to be changed during migration. These are complex, time-consuming processes, and the implementation can go off the rails if handled poorly. Additionally, the new ERP software must align with existing systems that are a part of the vital functioning workflow to ensure successful ERP implementation.


Improper change management:

Technical alterations are often met by resistance in organizations. If you want to avoid ERP implementation failure, then you have to invest heavily in change management and educate all the departments about the benefits of ERP. Assuming that your colleagues and subordinates will instantly extend their support and cooperation is a blunder you want to avoid.


Choice of implementation partners:

Another reason that leads to ERP implementation failure is the choice of ERP partners. Although several organizations offer the same assistance, the service quality and expertise determine the fate of the ERP implementation.


SAP Implementation with Uneecops Business Solutions:

SAP implementation at different organizational levels requires technical prowess and hands-on experience. SAP experts at UBS have handled multiple SAP Business One implementations and are equipped with extensive industry knowledge. Since the success of SAP implementation boils down to choosing an ERP partner, it is important to select wisely. Get in touch with UBS for a quick demo and a seamless ERP implementation. 

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